Wednesday, November 18, 2009

End of week 2 at Provo MTC


Thanks for all your letters and support. The package of candy was way yummy! Thanks a bunch. Mom, I got your note with all the questions but I cant find it now. So I will do as bewst i can to answer them. We get 30 min a day to write on pdays. I leave next Weds. Flight takes off at 820 and then we fly to Dallas. We have a two hr lay over there. Then we fly to Miami and have a 3 hr layover there and then arrive in Santo Domingo at 1130 at night. Im not sure the exact times because they are back in the room but I will write a letter when I get back telling you the exact times.

As for the MTC I love it. Its all about the attitude I decided and I am totally loving it. Our district is SOLID. So solid. We are learning a lot about Spanish and its pretty fun but hard at the same time. I again got the oppurtunity to spend a lot of time in a waiting room for my companion. He was really coming around and then last night he got a dear elder from home. As he was reading it he started to break down. He couldnt talk and so eventually he just handed me the letter (this was right before the fireside) I read it and understood why he was breaking down. Apparently his best friend was over at her boyfriends house when someone came in and murdered his bestfriend, her boyfriend, and her boyfriends parents. Then they drove to her boyfriends grandfathers house and shot him too. All five of them died. Whoever murdered them set a car on fire in town so that the fire department would be distracted and then set the homes of the people they killed on fire. It was so said seeing him sit there. One of those situations when you really do not know what to do. We went into a room and prayed for a while. At the time he didnt want a blessing but after the fireside our whole district got together and our branch president came too. My companion asked me to give the blessing. The Spirit was so strong and it was the first experience I have had where I really did not do the talking. It was very powerful and I hope he can remember what the Lord wants him to do right now. This morning we spent most of the morning in the front office while he called his parents. Then we went to the temple. Every Pday we go to the temple. I am really starting to feel of the love and peace that comes through the temple. It is probably the high light of my week. Last night Bishop Edgley talked to us and that was really neat. He is a good man. Sunday we had Sheri Dew and she was interesting because she talked about how she hates being single.

My teacher's name is Bro Welling. He is such a good man. I totally hope that I will become the man that he is. Sorry Maren he is engaged.

Today was a good day because it was FRENCH TOAST STICKS DAY!!! Dustin was for sure right when he said that they were something to look forward too.

I am driving myself crazy because I lost your letter mom. If theres anything important email me back and I will check it during laundry.

It snowed the other day. That was cool. I wore my scarf and gloves from maren :)

Ill have to figure out how to get you pictures but I think thats all for now.

Life is going well and definently having some unique experiences but I am grateful for them because my testimony is growing immencly. THe work is hard but well worth it.

I love you all a lot and I hope all is well there!

elder wilson


  1. The experiences an Elder has forces him to grow up and to rely on the Lord. Seth will remember this, and the experience of giving the blessing and watching his companion grieve has already helped Seth turn to the Lord, lean on His arm, and know that He is there to help and protect them. It sounds like Seth, together with the Lord, will accomplish a great deal during this two year stint.

  2. So tragic, but I'm so proud of Seth! Ditto, Bishop!
