Sunday, January 10, 2010

Two whole weeks make mom weak.

It's been almost two weeks since we last heard from Seth.  He left the CCM for the field last Tuesday.  We haven't heard from him since he told us he had been sick for several weeks in the CCM but had trudged on.  We're hoping he got some medical help before he left the mission home.  We're a little worried he'll downplay it so he can get out without delay.  He has sent us several hand--written letters and he is SOOO excited to get out and start being a real missionary. 

Today, Jill and I attended the non--homecoming of the son of a friend.  As we were singing, I said, "I wonder where Seth is singing today?"  Not good.  Actually,  good but hard.  I think maybe it's easier for me to be "Up" because I served a hard mission and can guess what he's doing and know more what the mission is all about.  Also, I have seen so many boys leave and men come back at the University Ward that I think to myself, "He's in the lab, making a man of God."  I miss him but I am so proud of him and so anxious to see what he becomes if he will spend the two years thinking of what he can do to help others "Come" and become.  We're anxious to find out where he is, who his companion is, what his area is like, what they are doing to serve, etc.

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